The knobs won’t start turning by themselves



Finally, looks like the “knobs war” is coming to its logical conclusion. In the past 5 years there was a huge hit on the knobs, and by knobs I mean APIs (interfaces) that being exposed by different virtulization/cloud platforms. The “hit” was in particular centered around providing a layer on the top (the MASTER knob) that would provide ability to manipulate through a higher level interface (aggregated/federated knob) the knobs underneath.  But with that the announcement of the AWS Management Portal for vCenter it becomes clear that this place is now closed.

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“I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees” – Story of BigSwitch and OpenDayLight

First, I have to admit that I am quite excited about the OpenDayLight project as it promises to bring the “next penguin” despite all the arguments and roadblocks.

Certainly one may question the reason for all the hardware guys joining OpenDayLight, isn’t the ultimate goal to make network hardware to be based on “white-label” box that can be overlaid with open source (Linux based) OS that would provide all the great functionality that today enclosed in proprietary hardware of the “giants”?

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Open vSwitch: Past, Present, and Future

I have been following and working in space of Software Defined Networking (SDN), which is getting hotter by the minute :) , for over 2 years now. My interest comes from spending number of years inside the network stacks of different products that I have worked on as well as standards that I either used, contributed to or both.

There are a LOT of information, definitions, etc. of SDN and network virtualization however when I am being approached by the engineers Continue reading